cups of paint and brushes

Art Club

What is the Art Club?

 For those of you who might be wondering about the Art Club here at Welch, here is some necessary information for you.

Who can join?   The Art Club is open to all High School students at Welch.

What does it cost?  The Art Club is a "pay to play" type of club.  We don't have a particular amount for membership dues.  Things each member (including me, the sponsor, Mr. Cruzan) is expected to pay for their club shirt yearly (usually around $15), pitch in for fuel for the vehicle on trips (usually around $10) with the majority of gas funds coming out of the clubs account, and then to pitch in to provide food for movie nights, etc.  

What is our purpose for being:  Unlike a lot of school organizations, the Art Club is not designed as a "competitive driven club."  We are a place for students to unwind and relax without stress.  We try to go on a trip each year that has two ingredients:  some sort of exposure to art and have some fun. 

Our Trips:  As stated above, we try to go somewhere yearly tor two reasons:  explore art in some form and to have a bit of fun.  Some examples would be:   Walking the river walk in Tulsa--the walk is filled with sculptures and it's a good chance to talk and have fun and meaningful conversations;  Going to the Top of the Rock in Branson, it has a museum with a lot of ancient and modern art plus the nature trail.  

Movie Nights:  In the past we have had Friday night movie nights where we all pitch in to buy pizza and then watch a movie or two.  Sometimes they are art related, sometimes they are not. 

Bowling Nights:  Sometimes we all meet in Miami at the Bowling Alley and bowl a couple of games and then go to eat somewhere.

Meetings:  The Art Club has had the first Thursday of each month during lunch set aside as our monthly meeting time.

I hope this helps anyone looking for an organization to join.  I look forward to seeing you at our first meeting.

Art Club is sponsored by Greg Cruzan